Key findings:

  • Delaware, Hawaii and Vermont worst states for speedy drivers.
  • Texas, Nevada and Arizona best states for speedy drivers.
  • States with lower average speed limits have higher rate of speeding tickets.
  • States with higher average speed limits have lower rate of speeding tickets.
  • Average speed limit in the country is 67.7 MPH.

Most drivers on the road have the instinctual feeling everyone around them is driving too slow. Some are slow drivers, but in most cases drivers are simply following the speed limit. The right lane is there for those who want to follow the speed limit and the left lane is for those who want to push the speed limits. However, the right and left lane speed limits can differ greatly from state to state. Pushing the limits in the left lane in one state to another can vary by 20 MPH. Going 80 MPH in the left lane in one state is perfectly legal and in another state will land you a speeding ticket.

For those drivers with a lead foot, some states are going to be more generous, while others will be more costly. We here at QuoteWizard analyzed speed limit data from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and State Highway Safety Offices to see which states had the highest and lowest speed limits. We then paired speed limit data with QuoteWizard speeding ticket data to compare the rate of speeding tickets in stats with high and low speed limits.

Overall rankings are a differential comparison of speed limit and speeding tickets ranking, where states ranked highest have the largest negative difference of comparison. Example: Delaware has -46 ranking difference and Hawaii has a -42 ranking difference. Compared to Texas +45 ranking difference and Nevada +43 ranking difference.

After ranking all 50 states on average speed limits and rate of speeding tickets we found that drivers in states with low speed limits tend to have a higher rate of speeding tickets. Conversely, we found states with higher speed limits had a lower rate of speeding tickets.

Ranking worst states for speedy drivers

Rank State Avg Speed Limit Speed Limit Rank Speeding Ticket Rank
1 Delaware 55 49 3
2 Hawaii 60 43 1
3 Vermont 60 43 4
4 Washington 65 33 8
5 Oregon 62.5 38 14
6 Alaska 55 49 29
7 Ohio 67.5 25 12
8 Missouri 65 33 20
9 South Carolina 70 13 2
10 Iowa 62.5 38 27
11 Minnesota 67.5 25 15
12 Rhode Island 60 43 34
13 Massachusetts 65 33 26
14 Georgia 62.5 38 31
15 Wisconsin 70 13 7
16 Indiana 62.5 38 33
17 New York 60 43 38
18 Maryland 67.5 25 21
19 Alabama 67.5 25 22
20 New Hampshire 70 13 11
21 Connecticut 60 43 41
22 Kentucky 65 33 32
23 Idaho 72.5 5 5
24 Kansas 72.5 5 6
25 Illinois 62.5 38 39
26 New Jersey 60 43 44
27 Virginia 70 13 16
28 Nebraska 70 13 17
29 Tennessee 70 13 18
30 West Virginia 67.5 25 30
31 Utah 75 4 10
32 Colorado 70 13 19
33 Wyoming 80 1 9
34 Maine 72.5 5 13
35 North Carolina 70 13 23
36 Florida 67.5 25 42
37 Pennsylvania 65 33 50
38 North Dakota 75 4 24
39 Arkansas 67.5 25 45
40 Mississippi 70 13 35
41 California 67.5 25 47
42 Montana 72.5 5 28
43 South Dakota 80 1 25
44 New Mexico 70 13 37
45 Oklahoma 70 13 43
46 Louisiana 72.5 5 36
47 Michigan 72.5 5 40
48 Arizona 70 13 49
49 Nevada 72.5 5 48
50 Texas 80 1 46


QuoteWizard analyzed interstate speed limit data in each state from National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and State Highway Safety Offices. We then ranked each state on the average interstate speed limit to compare with QuoteWizard speeding ticket data by state. Final rankings are a differential comparison of speed limit and speeding ticket rankings. States ranked highest were found to have the largest negative difference of speeding ticket rank compared to speed limit rank. LLC has made every effort to ensure that the information on this site is correct, but we cannot guarantee that it is free of inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. All content and services provided on or through this site are provided "as is" and "as available" for use. LLC makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this site or to the information, content, materials, or products included on this site. You expressly agree that your use of this site is at your sole risk.